• ‘People & Pearls The Magic Endures’ – When a woman wears pearls, it is she who shines. Pearls complement a woman in whatever she is doing. They become part of her, not something worn by her. With quiet grace and seductive allure, pearls help a woman convey who she is, or who she wants to be.
• The pearls people select and the ways they dress with them reveal a good bit about their wearers, including the times in which they live, and a lot about style. For example, such as Brooke Astor, C.Z.Guest, and England’s Queen Mother, have grown up in the tradition of pearls, and their trademark pearls have long been emblematic of their personal loyalties to traditional society.
• In contrast, Josephine Baker’s costumes in the 1920s made pearls part of her public personal, but to very different effect. The dramatic cascades of the sensuous gems that Baker wore symbolized a heady world of change that was Paris after the turn of the century.
• More familiar today, though, are those who wear pearls on certain occasions, for particular effects. New York fashion consultant Marilise Flusser affirms the practice of wearing pearls for psychological support and image: “Pearls are the ultimate power accessory. There is nothing more hip than wearing a beautiful pearl necklace with a clean white T-shirt. And when you put on a Chanel suit and pearls, no one can criticize you. You become unassailable.”
*Ref: People & Pearls The magic endures, Ki Hackney and Diana Edkins