Sunday, December 31, 2006
Countdown Year 2006
Watch back year 2006, there are changes of working styles, more and more toward computerize, networking style; reducing and cutting down manual work either in ordering process, sales analyzing, accounting, inventory processing, shipping and administration communication. Most rely on Internet networks, more people are learning to enter into the internet world.
Even housewife also can get recipes by searching websites, there are many free information from the websites. When you wonder where to buy your needed goods, easily go to the internet websites where you can compare and choose the unique one at any website. They will deliver to your door steps. The life style slowly changing into more home shopping and less physical movement.
Shopping websites will be more and more, whether they have showroom to display the goods depend on the type of product they are promoting. The most important is convenience for the buyer.
Servicing provide collecting and delivery, for example laundry industry, you do not have to send the laundry, the service provider will regularly collect from you depend how you want the service to suit your life style.
Everyone needs food. Pizza Hut home delivery is already very common these days, a lot of other food supply services follow the step to do home delivery, most food services provide dinner, lunch delivery to suit the busy Singaporean life style.
Housekeeping services also is another new change area, instead of keep a maid at home you can engage Housekeeping agent to handle such work. But all this depends on each individual requirement.
For year 2007 we are looking forward to a better life style, good health, happiness, peacefully, safety and economic growth progressively in the near future.
By saying so much, let come back to my shopping website, to be new century life style do shopping on the internet. Please feel free to enjoy this website shopping. Do view at
Blogging for year-end sales
On 28 December 2006, world news announced that due to Taiwan earthquake, internet cables were damaged and it will take three weeks to repair the damaged cables. It sounds scary when websites sale transactions has to be on hold during the repair period. hosted by US was inaccessible during the first few days. We being new was not affected. This is one of the website to add on to the mass market for more selections.
We would like to highlight here two items from :-
1) Tibet silver pearl chain, a sweet purple pearl with design using Tibet silver as major materials. The price is S$39.90 only. Tibet sliver chain connected with big purple round pearl pendant and shining crystal gemstones combination in a floral design.
CH02Pu_8mm 45cm Tibet Sliver

2) Multiple colors pearl strand, a simple yet elegance modern style. The price is S$138.80. Round pearl strand in white, pink & purple combination, very good luster with even smooth surface. A beautiful fashionable necklace.
CH04WPP_12mm 45cm 39P

Saturday, December 02, 2006
Blog generates viewers to the Freshwater Pearl Jewelry website
Since I have such a passion for pearls, why not have some activity for pearls. Bring in some pearl jewelry to share with those who love pearls, to own and wear pearls, and be sophisticated charming ladies.
I have been preparing this activity for some time and today I will be launching the pearl jewelry online. Do go to the website to admire the beautiful pearl jewelry on the display page.
In the early stage we emphasize on how to select pearls. There are different types of pearls : Akoya pearl, Tahitian pearl and Freshwater pearl. These pearls are crafted into lovely pearl jewelry with unique patterns and designs to cater to the discerning buyers.
The Freshwater pearl jewelry are affordable and of the best quality selected from the pearl factory. There are lovely pearl necklaces, bracelets, ring, earring and other pearl jewelry in attractive colors: white, gold, pink, purple, grey and black etc to suit every lifestyle and occasion.
Please visit for more information.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
A real touch with freshwater pearl
In May 2006 I visited a pearl factory in Suzhou. Here, the demonstration of the pearl harvesting process is slightly different from Japan. They showed us how the nacre is collected from the pearl lake. They opened the nacre before the visitors. One can see a number of pearls stuck inside the nacre. They use the pearls to make and design all kinds of pearl jewelry for sale.
During the first week of November 2006 I again visited the same factory in Suzhou. I went to the showroom but could not find the same item which I bought in May 2006. From this experience, I realise the designs of pearl jewelry are changed and updated very quickly. I also find that the product quality has improved.
When visitors come to the pearl facrtory in Suzhou, the staff would bring them to the demonstration room to view how the nacre is collected from the farm. The demonstrator (they call her teacher) would open the nacre before the visitors. She would keep the nacre open (see picture below) and visitors could touch the pearl stuck in the nacre, sometime even stick it out

The price and sophistication of beautiful pearls are based on their size, shape, color and luster. New technology is used to grade pearls according to these criteria, manufacture difference type of pattern. The pearls are then designed into beautiful and elegant pearl jewelry. Wearing pearls is fashionable and always charming for a lady.

The demonstration room occupied 1/4 of the total show house area. This is why they treat is as importance to educate customer with the real good pearl products.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Pearls - The Magic Endures

• ‘People & Pearls The Magic Endures’ – When a woman wears pearls, it is she who shines. Pearls complement a woman in whatever she is doing. They become part of her, not something worn by her. With quiet grace and seductive allure, pearls help a woman convey who she is, or who she wants to be.
• The pearls people select and the ways they dress with them reveal a good bit about their wearers, including the times in which they live, and a lot about style. For example, such as Brooke Astor, C.Z.Guest, and England’s Queen Mother, have grown up in the tradition of pearls, and their trademark pearls have long been emblematic of their personal loyalties to traditional society.
• In contrast, Josephine Baker’s costumes in the 1920s made pearls part of her public personal, but to very different effect. The dramatic cascades of the sensuous gems that Baker wore symbolized a heady world of change that was Paris after the turn of the century.
• More familiar today, though, are those who wear pearls on certain occasions, for particular effects. New York fashion consultant Marilise Flusser affirms the practice of wearing pearls for psychological support and image: “Pearls are the ultimate power accessory. There is nothing more hip than wearing a beautiful pearl necklace with a clean white T-shirt. And when you put on a Chanel suit and pearls, no one can criticize you. You become unassailable.”
*Ref: People & Pearls The magic endures, Ki Hackney and Diana Edkins
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Different Types of Pearls:- Saltwater Akoya Pearls & South Sea Tahitian Black, White & Yellow Pearls
There are simple pearls for the "sweet sixteen", there are romantic pearls to add magic to the wedding day, there are one-of-a-kind pearls for the creative individualist, there are "important" pearls to mark an important milestone. Like diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires, there is a pearl for every age, every occasion, every personal style, and every budget.
With so many possibilities, just knowing where to begin can be overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. The key is in knowing what types are available, how they compare to each other, and how to recognize quality differences.
The variety available today results from the use of different types of oysters, the physical environment in which they live, and varying cultivation techniques used by the producers. They are generally classified as saltwater cultured pearls or freshwater cultured pearls, and divided into the white category, which includes shades from pink-white to silver-white to creamy-white and yellow-white, and the fancy color category, the best known of which are the natural color black cultured pearls and the deep yellows and golden cultured pearls.
Saltwater Cultured Pearls - Japan Akoya Pearls
Cultured saltwater, or "sea" pearls, are grown today by pearl producing oysters in several parts of the world, including Australia, China, French Polynesia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines. Among the best known are the Japanese Akoya Pearls - the classic round, white pearl.
In the 1950s, cultured pearls meant Japanese Akoya pearls, and Mikimoto owned most of the oyster beds - about 12,000,000 oysters accounting for about 75% of the world's supply of cultured pearls. Since the 1960s , however, the production of cultured pearls began to extend to other pearl farmers in Japan, and to other parts of the world.
While the basic pearl producing process is the same in a saltwater or freshwater mollusc, in the case of round cultured pearls there is one significant difference, its requires the insertion of round "bead" nucleus in additional to the piece of mantle tissue. Following the surgical implant of the nucleus, many will either reject the implant or die, of those remaining, more will die before harvest. Only 30% to 35% of the original group of oysters will actually produce a pearl. Only a very small fraction of the pearls produced will be fine quality.
Saltwater cultured pearls command higher prices than freshwater cultured pearls. As you can imagine, the costs and the risks involved in producing saltwater cultured pearls are much greater.
Price Factors
Japan's Akoya pearl is for most people the "pearl of pearls" magnificent, lustrous, round, and white! While the finest Japanese cultured pearls are very costly, especially in sizes over 8 millimeters, they are much more affordable than the larger and even costlier South Sea pearls. They rarely exceed 10 millimeters in diameter, and when they do, they command exceptionally high prices. In addition to Japan, China is now a major producer of Akoyas.
Fine Akoyas can exhibit the most intense luster of any white round, saltwater cultured pearl. Look for pearls with high luster and avoid those with low luster, indicating thin nacre. When nacre is thick, you may also see the prized, soft iridescence we call "orient" as you turn the pearl, as you "orient" it. Buy the best quality you can afford; insist on a lustrous pearl, even if this means the shape may be slightly off or the surface somewhat spotted.
The nacre coating is less thick on Akoya cultured pearls. Overall, it is thicker than most Chinese Akoyas, and very thick nacre can be found in the very finest cultured Japanese pearls. Nacre thickness generally averages less than 0.4 millimeter in very round pearls, the finest can measure 1.0 millimeter in thickness.
Normally in the white family. The rarest is white with a surface blush of pink, cream shades are also pleasing, and can be very beautiful, those with a slight greenish overtone cost less but can be very lovely against certain complexions. Occasionally pearls occur in unusual colors including pink, blue, gold and gray. Japan does produce natural "black" pearl are smallar than those produced in French Polynesia, is also produced by the "black-lip" oyster and is similar in appearance.
Japanese Akoya pearls are typically more round than all other pearls, they are occur in many shapes including round, baroque, symetrical and asymmetrical. Baroque Akoya pearls are also very desirable and much more affordable than round especially in teardrop or other distinctive shapes showing strong iridescence.
The range is 2 to 12 millimeters in diameter, although they rarely exceed 10 millimeters. The price jumps upward rapidly with each half-millimeter from 8 millimeters up. Production of Japanese pearls is shifting away from sizes under 6 millimeters, focusing on sizes from 6 to 8+ millimeters.
The finest receive only minimal routine processing, but some are subjected to excessive treatments including chemical bleaching, tumbling and dyeing.
Black Pearls - South Sea Tahitian Pearls
Black pearls are not necessarily black. More often than not they range from a light to very dark gray, but they may also look green, pink, lavender, blue or brown. The colors are not always natural. Some are the result of dyeing and irradiation processes.
You may see strands labeled "black pearls" that sell for a few hundred dollars. They are probably artificially colored Akoya pearls whose natural color was undesirable. Dealers of pearls from Tahiti and the other islands of French Polynesia are now marketing their pearls as Tahitian cultured pearls or Tahitian South Sea cultured pearls, these two terms imply that the pearls are not dyed and they do not suggest that the pearls have a black color. In Tahiti, "black pearl" can only refer to a dark-colored pearl of natural color from the black-lip oyster.
Natural-color black pearls can also be confused with natural-color "blue pearls". Unlike black pearls, whose color is an inherent characteristic of the pearl nacre, blue pearls derive their color form foreign contaminants in the nacre itself or between the nacre and the shell bead nucleus. Black pearls and "blue pearls" can look the same but because of the difference in the origin of their color, "blue pearls" are worth less.
Since there can be a great value diference between black pearls, "blue pearls" and artificially colored pearls even though they may look the same, consumers need to be concerned about buying blackpearls that are misrepresented. Some guidelines here are given on how to spot pearls that are not true black pearls.
Price Factors
Black pearls are priced according to their luster, color, shape, surface perfection, size and nacre thickness as follows:
The best way to learn the luster potential of a black pearl is to look at some black pearls ranging from very low to very high in luster. Black pearls can look almost metallic. Good luster is an essential ingredient for pearl beauty. Keep in mind that lighting can affect black pearls in the same way it does white pearls, so compare pearls under equivalent lighting conditions.
Low luster in black pearls is often correlated with thin nacre, as is the case with white pearls. But thin-nacre black pearls can have good luster and thick-nacre pearls may have low luster. Consequently, it is best to treat luster and nacre thickness as two separate value factors.
Lighter colored black pearls have become very popular and so have multicolored necklaces. Overtone colors on black pearls are blue, gold, silver and a reddish purple called "aubergine".
It is easiest to see the overtone colors in black pearls when the lighting is diffused and at a distance from the pearl. Overtones may be present in a variety of combinations such as pink and green, and they are considered a plus factor.
There is no standardized system throughout the pearl industry for classifying or valuing the color of black pearls, and considering the complexity of it, there may never be, at any rate, you should select colors that you like more and that look good on you.
Round and semi-round shapes are the most expensive. Drop shapes are the next most expensive followed by button shapes which are flat on one side and rounded on the other. The more symmetrical these shapes are, the more their value.
Baroque shapes and circled pearls with ring-like formations around them are the least expensive. When you need to cut down on the price of a black pearl, shape is a good category to compromise on. In fact, baroque and circled pearls often make more interesting jewelry pieces than round pearls do.
Black pearls generally range in size from about 9 to 18 mm with their average size tending to be between 9 to 11.5 mm. A 14 mm pearl which costs US$5,000, might cost US$10,000 if it were 15 mm and US$30,000 if it were 16mm.
At the retail level black pearls tend to be described and priced according to millimeter size. Weight may be used as an additional means of identifying them. This is the opposite of round diamonds where the price is based on the weight.
On the wholesale level, however, large lots of black pearls are sold according to their weight, which is measured in momme ( 1 momme=3.75 grams = 18.75 carats).
If you select pearl with partially flawless surfaces, you can have a clean-looking one for a lower price. Flaws can decrease the price of black pearls considerably, which is an advantage for consumers. A black pearl can often be mounted in a way that will hide imperfections when worn.
The best thing you can do is to choose pearls with as high of a luster as possible and buy your pearls from jewelers who consider nacre thickness important. Usually the best way of determining the nacre thickness of a black pearl is with an x-ray.
How to Select Freshwater Pearls

The quality of Chinese Freshwater pearls has been steadily improving since 1991, thanks to better cultivation techniques and a more widespread use of the sankaku mussel. At the end of 1992, semi-round Chinese freshwater pearls made their appearance on the market and now offer an attractive, lower priced alternative to the round Akoya pearls.
China and Japan are not the only places where freshwater pearls are found. There are many historical accounts about the natural freshwater pearls of Europe and North America. These pearls are still being sold, but in decreasing quantities. Overfishing, flooding and pollution has either dwindled or, in some areas, eliminated the supply of these natural pearls.
The cultured freshwater pearl market in the United States, however, is gradually increasing. They're now being cultivated in Tennessee with a shell bead nucleus. Their nacre is very thick due to the fact they are left in the molluscs for three to five years. Unlike most other freshwater pearls, American cultured pearls are never bleached, dyed or treated. You'll find them in a wide variety of shapes - marquises, drops, coins, tadpoles, domes and bars. Tennessee is also known for being the primary source of the shell head nuclei in Akoya pearls.
The general term for any pearl cultivated in a lake, pond or river area is freshwater cultured pearl.
Price Factors
The grading of freshwater pearls is more variable than that of saltwater pearls. Nevertheless, there is agreement about certain value factors. Freshwater pearls are generally valued according to the following criteria:
The higher and more even the luster, the greater the value. In high-quality freshwater pearls, there is an evenly distributed luster and a high contrast between the light and dark areas of the pearls.
When judging freshwater pearls for luster, examine them on a white background and be sure to roll them so you can see their entire surface area. It is important that your eye become sensitive to luster variations because luster is one of the most important determinants of value in pearls of all types.
Then smoother the pearl, the more valuable it is. Even though bumpy, wrinkled surfaces can lower the value of freshwater pearls, the bumps and wrinkles are not considered flaws.
Freshwater pearl prices are generally quoted by weight or by the strand. The gram is probably the most common unit of weight used at the retail level, some dealers quote prices according to carat weight. The measurements of pearls are often listed along with their weight as an additional description and means of identification. The size of round freshwater pearls may be expressed by their diameter, measured in millimeters.
Usually the more round a pearl is, the greater its value. Large high-quality, baroque shapes can command high prices and make distinctive jewelry pieces.
Since 1992, a lot of semi-round (off-round) and ovalish freshwater pearls have become available. Often they are described as potato, corn and pea shapes. These pearls can be used to make impressive looking jewelry pieces that sell for moderate prices.
Freshwater pearls come in a wide variety of body colours - white, pink, orange, yellow, lavender, gray, bronze; some pearls are even bi-coloured.
The body colour does not affect the price of freshwater pearls as much as it does that of saltwater pearls. The presence of overtone colours such as pink and silver makes them more valuable. This is because pearls with high luster have overtone colours.
Iridescence (orient) increases the value of pearls. Iridescence and high luster are also interrelated.
Nacre thickness is not as important of a factor in cultured freshwater pearls as it is in saltwater pearls. One of the biggest selling points of freshwater pearls is that they usually have a higher percentage of pearl nacre than their saltwater counterparts.
As you shop for pearls you'll probably notice that freshwater pearls cost less than saltwater pearls. Low prices, though, do not necessarily mean low quality. Some US$20 strands of small Chinese freshwater pearls have a better luster, more orient and a higher percentage of pearl nacre that the majority of cultured saltwater pearls on the market today. Therefore, do not just judge pearls by their price tag. Consider their luster, their colour, their uniqueness. If you do, you will discover that freshwater pearls offer great variety, beauty and value.