On 28 December 2006, world news announced that due to Taiwan earthquake, internet cables were damaged and it will take three weeks to repair the damaged cables. It sounds scary when websites sale transactions has to be on hold during the repair period.
Beenco.com hosted by US was inaccessible during the first few days. We being new was not affected. This is one of the website to add on to the mass market for more selections.
We would like to highlight here two items from Beenco.com :-
1) Tibet silver pearl chain, a sweet purple pearl with design using Tibet silver as major materials. The price is S$39.90 only. Tibet sliver chain connected with big purple round pearl pendant and shining crystal gemstones combination in a floral design.
CH02Pu_8mm 45cm Tibet Sliver

2) Multiple colors pearl strand, a simple yet elegance modern style. The price is S$138.80. Round pearl strand in white, pink & purple combination, very good luster with even smooth surface. A beautiful fashionable necklace.
CH04WPP_12mm 45cm 39P

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