Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fashion Jewelry

If you have expensive taste and can afford to dump $20,000.00 on a necklace then fashion jewelry is probably not for you. However, if you have expensive taste but do not have the finances to keep up with your spending habits then replica jewelry might be your cup of tea.

So what the hell is fashion jewelry?

Well, to be precise it is jewelry that is made in the image and likeness of its predecessor; only at a fraction of the cost.

What does this mean for you?

This means that if there is a Gucci necklace with a price tag of $8,000.00 then you can probably find a piece of fashion jewelry that looks exactly the same for a whopping $15.00!

What!? Yes, it is true.

This practice and business has been around for decades. The market for fashion jewelry has really begun to boom over the past few years as the demand for designer jewelry has sky rocketed.

The challenge that most people in our society face is that they want to wear the designer jewelry that they see all of the celebrities and elite class wearing, however, they do not have the finances to support such a desire.

That is exactly where fashion jewelry comes in to play. It is specifically crafted for the "not-so-rich" ever day folk like you and I. It is because of this industry that people from all over the world have been able to confidently strut parties and formal gatherings without spending 50 G's.

So there you have it! A brief description of what exactly fashion jewelry is.

Now go pick up some bling bling and get your fashion on!

By Hans Amory

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